O-RAN Simulation

Using SD-RAN (onosproject)

Dian Hanifudin Subhi


SD-RAN µONOS by onosproject

  • Basic
  • Installation
  • Running Simulation
  • Developing App

Basic of Docker

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.

Docker Architecture

Docker Architecture from https://docs.docker.com

Docker Architecture (cont..)

  • Docker Daemon (dockerd): daemon listens for Docker API requests and manages Docker objects.
  • Docker Client: the primary way of users to interact with Docker.
  • Docker Desktop: Application for Mac, Windows or Linux environment to make it easier to manage Docker and also Kubernetes.
  • Docker Registries: registry to store Docker images. Example: Docker Hub
  • Docker Objects: images, containers, networks, volumes, plugins and other objects.

Virtualization vs Container

VM vs Container


# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-present Open Networking Foundation <info@opennetworking.org>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


FROM onosproject/golang-build:v1.0 as build


COPY Makefile go.mod go.sum /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon/
COPY cmd/ /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon/cmd/
COPY pkg/ /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon/pkg/
COPY vendor/ /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon/vendor/
COPY api/ /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon/api
COPY build/build-tools /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon/build/build-tools

RUN cd /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon && GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor make ${ONOS_MAKE_TARGET}

FROM alpine:3.11
RUN apk add libc6-compat

USER nobody

COPY --from=build /go/src/github.com/onosproject/onos-kpimon/build/_output/onos-kpimon /usr/local/bin/onos-kpimon

ENTRYPOINT ["onos-kpimon"]

Docker Command

# pull image from registy to local
docker pull ubuntu
# run docker from image
docker run -it -d ubuntu
# list running containers
docker ps
# login into registry
docker login
# build image based on Dockerfile
docker build .
# push image from local to registry
docker push dhanifudin/app

Basic of Kubernetes

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Interaction against Kubernetes cluster using kubectl.

Kubernetes Architecture

Component of Kubernetes


  • Namespace provides mechanism for isolating groups of resources.
  • Create namespace using kubectl command kubectl create name-of-namespace
  • Get all namespace in Kubernetes kubectl get namespace


  • Kubernetes cluster is a set of nodes that run containerized applications.
  • Node may be virtual or physical machine


  • Pod is a group of one or more containers

Basic of Helm

Helm is a package manager. Similar with package manager for other platforms like apt, yum or homebrew. Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications.

Helm Chart

  • Helm uses a packaging format called charts.
  • Structure of helm chart
├── Chart.lock   # Lock file
├── Chart.yaml   # A YAML file containing information about the chart
├── README.md    # Optional: A human readable README file
├── charts/      # A directory containing any charts upon which this chart depends.
├── files/       # Additional files to support application
├── templates/   # A directory of templates that when combined with value,
|                # will generate valid Kubernetes manifest files.
└── values.yaml  # The default configuration value for this chart

More Info

Helm Basic Command

# Add helm repositories
helm repo add name https://chart.url
# Update helm repositories
helm repo update
# Helm install
helm -n namespace install name repo-name/name-of-package
helm -n namespace install name location-chart-directory
# Helm uninstall
helm -n namespace uninstall name

Basic of Go Language

  • Go is an open source programming language supported by Google
  • Easy to learn and get started with (less keyword, OOP without class)
  • Built-in concurrency and a robust standard library (using goroutine and channel)

Basic Structure of Go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    hello := Hello{language: "Korean"}

type Hello struct {
    language string

func (h Hello) sayHello() {
    if h.language == "Korean" {
        fmt.Println("Hello, 세계")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Hello, World")
Hello, 세계

Manage Version and Dependency in Golang

  • Find specific version then install manually docs
  • Go Version Manager tools (gvm, asdf)
  • Manage dependency with go mod and go get

Basic of gRPC

  • gRPC is a modern open source high performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
  • gRPC uses Protocol Buffers (protobuf) to serializing data.

Basic of gRPC


// The greeter service definition.
service Greeter {
  // Sends a greeting
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}

// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;

Basic of REST API

  • REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer
  • Architectural style for API that uses HTTP requests to access and use data.
  • HTTP request: GET, PUT, POST and DELETE
  • Response in JSON (most common) or XML

Installation µONOS


Prerequisites Installation

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes Cluster or k3s, k3d, kind or microk8s for single node
  • Helm version 3
  • Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 (Optional: SDRAN-in-a-Box method Installation)


Add Helm Repositories

# Add repo cord, atomix and onos
helm repo add cord https://charts.opencord.org
helm repo add atomix https://charts.atomix.io
helm repo add onos https://charts.onosproject.org
# Optional or git clone sdran-helm-charts
# git clone https://github.com/onosproject/sdran-helm-charts
helm repo add sdran https://sdrancharts.onosproject.org
helm repo update


Install components in kube-system namespace

helm install atomix-controller atomix/atomix-controller -n kube-system --wait --version 0.6.9
helm install atomix-raft-storage atomix/atomix-raft-storage -n kube-system --wait --version 0.1.25
helm install onos-operator onos/onos-operator -n kube-system --wait --version 0.5.2


Prepare Kubernetes Namespace

# create sdran namespace
kubectl create namespace sdran


Install sd-ran components

git clone https://github.com/onosproject/sdran-helm-charts
cd sdran-helm-charts

# helm -n namespace install release-name helm-charts-dir
helm -n sdran install sd-ran sd-ran
# or install without clone helm charts
helm -n sdran install sd-ran sdran/sd-ran

If there are errors related with dependency, please run helm dependency build sd-ran then run helm install again.


Monitor the installation of sd-ran components

kubectl -n sdran get pods

NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
onos-a1t-5b6cdf4c7c-qg77s      2/2     Running   0          4m17s
onos-cli-89b47d4b7-npw6h       1/1     Running   0          4m17s
onos-config-76f8b49887-qt8lg   4/4     Running   0          4m17s
onos-consensus-store-0         1/1     Running   0          4m17s
onos-e2t-57ccb4b454-wb5gn      3/3     Running   0          4m17s
onos-topo-d66795968-qp6p4      3/3     Running   0          4m17s
onos-uenib-67d864bc76-55h2l    3/3     Running   0          4m17s

Tips: We can combine command with watch to update output periodically watch kubectl -n sdran get pods

Running Simulation

Load model and start simulation when install ran-simulator component.

# Run inside sdran-helm-charts
helm -n sdran install ran-simulator ran-simulator
# Or
helm -n sdran install ran-simulator sdran/ran-simulator

Unload model with helm uninstall (replace with new model)

helm -n sdran uninstall ran-simulator

Running Simulation

  • Interaction with simulator via onos-cli. onos-cli is Command-line interface for ONOS (µONOS Architecture)
# Attach into onos-cli pod using kubectl command
kubectl -n sdran exec -it $(kubectl -n sdran get pods -l type=cli -o name) -- /bin/sh
  • Inside the onos-cli pod, we can interact with simulator using onos ransim subcommand. To see available supported command please type help.
onos ransim
# To see available supported command, please type help
onos ransim help

Running Simulation

Example Usage of onos cli

  • Get the deployed nodes Get Nodes

Running Simulation

Example Usage of onos cli

  • Get routes of 100 UEs that generated by simulator Get Routes

Running Simulation

Customize model of simulator

# Navigate inside sdran-helm-charts cloned repository
cd sdran-helm-charts
# Put custom-model.yaml inside ran-simulator/files/model
# Modify model by editing ran-simulator/values.yaml file
vim ran-simulator/values.yaml
# Find modelName then replace with the desired model (without yaml ext)
# Load new model by run helm install
helm -n sdran install ran-simulator ran-simulator


Running Simulation

Predefined Models

├── model-5cell-100ue.yaml
├── model-7cell-140ue.yaml
├── model.yaml
├── scale-50-150.yaml
├── scale-model.yaml
├── three-cell-model.yaml
├── three-cell-n-node-model.yaml
└── two-cell-two-node-model.yaml

Running Simulation

Honeycomb Topology Generator. Honeycomb Topology Generator Docs

  • Prerequisites: Golang >= 1.16
  • Installation Steps
    git clone https://github.com/onosproject/ran-simulator.git
    # Navigate into the ran-simulator project directory
    go mod download
    # Run tool
    go run cmd/honeycomb/honecomb.go topo --towers 3 output_model.yaml

Running Simulation

    lat: 52.52
    lng: 13.405
  zoom: 0
  locationsscale: 1.25
  fademap: false
  showroutes: false
  showpower: false
routeEndPoints: []
wayPointRoute: false
directRoute: false
    gnbid: 20819
    - e2t-1
    - mho
    - kpm
    - rcpre2
    - kpm2
    - 222084856477433857
    - 222084856477433858
    - 222084856477433859
    status: stopped
    gnbid: 20820
    - e2t-1
    - mho
    - kpm
    - rcpre2
    - kpm2
    - 222084856477450241
    - 222084856477450242
    - 222084856477450243
    status: stopped
    ncgi: 222084856477433857
        lat: 52.486405366824926
        lng: 13.412233915182187
      azimuth: 0
      arc: 120
      tilt: 1
      height: 43
    color: green
    maxues: 99999
    - 222084856477433858
    - 222084856477433859
    - 222084856477450241
    txpowerdb: 11
      timetotrigger: 0
      frequencyoffset: 0
      pcellindividualoffset: 0
      ncellindividualoffsets: {}
      hysteresis: 0
        a3offset: 0
        reportonleave: false
    pci: 480
    earfcn: 42
    celltype: 3
    rrcidlecount: 0
    rrcconnectedcount: 0
    ncgi: 222084856477433858
        lat: 52.486405366824926
        lng: 13.412233915182187
      azimuth: 120
      arc: 120
      tilt: -10
      height: 28
    color: green
    maxues: 99999
    - 222084856477433857
    - 222084856477433859
    - 222084856477450242
    txpowerdb: 11
      timetotrigger: 0
      frequencyoffset: 0
      pcellindividualoffset: 0
      ncellindividualoffsets: {}
      hysteresis: 0
        a3offset: 0
        reportonleave: false
    pci: 148
    earfcn: 43
    celltype: 2
    rrcidlecount: 0
    rrcconnectedcount: 0
    ncgi: 222084856477433859
        lat: 52.486405366824926
        lng: 13.412233915182187
      azimuth: 240
      arc: 120
      tilt: -10
      height: 22
    color: green
    maxues: 99999
    - 222084856477450243
    - 222084856477433857
    - 222084856477433858
    txpowerdb: 11
      timetotrigger: 0
      frequencyoffset: 0
      pcellindividualoffset: 0
      ncellindividualoffsets: {}
      hysteresis: 0
        a3offset: 0
        reportonleave: false
    pci: 218
    earfcn: 44
    celltype: 3
    rrcidlecount: 0
    rrcconnectedcount: 0
    ncgi: 222084856477450241
        lat: 52.50431527434924
        lng: 13.453261970488306
      azimuth: 0
      arc: 120
      tilt: -15
      height: 46
    color: green
    maxues: 99999
    - 222084856477433857
    - 222084856477450242
    - 222084856477450243
    txpowerdb: 11
      timetotrigger: 0
      frequencyoffset: 0
      pcellindividualoffset: 0
      ncellindividualoffsets: {}
      hysteresis: 0
        a3offset: 0
        reportonleave: false
    pci: 218
    earfcn: 45
    celltype: 0
    rrcidlecount: 0
    rrcconnectedcount: 0
    ncgi: 222084856477450242
        lat: 52.50431527434924
        lng: 13.453261970488306
      azimuth: 120
      arc: 120
      tilt: 10
      height: 49
    color: green
    maxues: 99999
    - 222084856477450243
    - 222084856477433858
    - 222084856477450241
    txpowerdb: 11
      timetotrigger: 0
      frequencyoffset: 0
      pcellindividualoffset: 0
      ncellindividualoffsets: {}
      hysteresis: 0
        a3offset: 0
        reportonleave: false
    pci: 480
    earfcn: 46
    celltype: 2
    rrcidlecount: 0
    rrcconnectedcount: 0
    ncgi: 222084856477450243
        lat: 52.50431527434924
        lng: 13.453261970488306
      azimuth: 240
      arc: 120
      tilt: -6
      height: 29
    color: green
    maxues: 99999
    - 222084856477433859
    - 222084856477450241
    - 222084856477450242
    txpowerdb: 11
      timetotrigger: 0
      frequencyoffset: 0
      pcellindividualoffset: 0
      ncellindividualoffsets: {}
      hysteresis: 0
        a3offset: 0
        reportonleave: false
    pci: 148
    earfcn: 47
    celltype: 2
    rrcidlecount: 0
    rrcconnectedcount: 0
    id: e2t-1
    address: onos-e2t
    port: 36421
    id: 1
    description: kpm service model
    version: 1.0.0
    id: 4
    description: kpm2 service model
    version: 1.0.0
    id: 5
    description: mho service model
    version: 1.0.0
    id: 3
    description: rcpre2 service model
    version: 1.0.0
RrcStateChangesDisabled: false
initialRrcState: ""
ueCount: 0
ueCountPerCell: 15
plmnID: "315010"
plmnNumber: 3231760
apiKey: ""
  amfregionid: 0
  amfsetid: 0
  amfpointer: 0

Running Simulation

Visualize using Grafana

# Run inside sdran-helm-charts cloned repository
helm -n sdran install onos-kpimon onos-kpimon
helm -n sdran install onos-pci onos-pci
# Enable fluent-bit and prometheus-stack in onos-exporter/values.yaml
helm -n sdran install onos-exporter onos-exporter

onos-exporter docs

Running Simulation

Visualize using Grafana


UE will be connected to best cell services (depends on the configuration cell in model).

Note: Cell Id ncgi represented as hex int format in simulation. Example: 87893173159116801 (model yaml) -> 13842601454c001 (grafana dashboard)


  • Enable kubectl autocompletion
  • Run terminal session using tmux or screen
    • Prevent lost work
    • Multiple pane terminal in one session
    • Easy attach/detach the ssh session

Video Demo

Video Demo

Developing App

Developing App

Application in O-RAN

  • rApp: not mentioned in SD-RAN onosproject documentation.
  • xApp: API & SDK available

Developing xApp

An xApp is a software tool used by RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) to manage network functions in near-real time.

* Official available API & SDK to support xApp development
  * onos-api: API definition protobuf
  * onos-ric-sdk-go: E2, O1, A1 and Topo module
  * onos-ric-sdk-py: E2 and SDL (Shared Data Layer) module

* onos-ric-sdk-go
  * onos-kpimon: KPI monitoring xApp
  * onos-pci: Physical Cell Identity xAPP
  * rimedo-ts: Traffic Steering xApp
* onos-ric-sdk-py
  * onos-ric-python-apps: ONOS RIC xApps authored in Python

Developing xApp

Overview of xApp Architecture

Onos KPI

  • onos-kpimon xApp create subscriptions through E2 interface
  • Communication between southbound and northbound handled by broker
  • Data of measurement metrics handled by store
  • onos-exporter scrape KPI from northbound onos-kpimon

Developing xApp

Installing available xApp Examples

  • xApp installation can be done using helm command
# Run inside sdran-helm-charts cloned repository
helm -n sdran install onos-kpimon onos-kpimon
helm -n sdran install rimedo-ts rimedo-ts
# Or using sdran repo
helm -n sdran install onos-kpimon sdran/onos-kpimon
helm -n sdran install rimedo-ts sdran/rimedo-ts

Some xApp only compatible for specific requirements version of SD-RAN components. There are two kind of versions in Helm chart, chart version and app version, be careful. Example: rimedo-ts

Developing xApp

Developing xApp

Test Driven Development (TDD) support using helmit.

Developing xApp


  • Intercept reverse port-forward component from cluster to local communication
  • No many resource of tutorial

Thank You